Diego el Cigala

Elbphilharmonie World

This event has already taken place! 10 | 17 | 36 | 52 | 57
This event has already taken place! 10 | 17 | 36 | 52 | 57

Most people associate flamenco, the national music of Spain, with dancing to guitar accompaniment. But the supreme discipline of the Andalusian genre, historically speaking, is its vocal component, known as the »cante«. In Diego el Cigala’s hands, the flamenco turns into a cosmopolitan musical style. In his passionate vocal art, with only a piano to accompany him, colours from the Caribbean to the Rio de la Plata glow alongside the fire of Andalusia.

El Cigala has taken up the baton of a grand tradition: when the greatest flamenco vocalist of our time, Camarón de la Isla (»the sand shrimp«), died in 1992, she left a void behind her. Five years were to pass before a young singer appeared on the horizon to carry on her legacy. And his nickname is likewise taken from the maritime world: soon enough, everyone was referring to Diego Ramón Jiménez Salazar as »El Cigala« (»the scampi«). With his long mane, dark beard and piercing eyes he has something of a regal presence. His motto is unequivocal: »flamenco is freedom, pure and simple!«.


Diego el Cigala vocals

Jaime Calabuch piano


Piano y Voz

Estimated end time



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