Wiener Symphoniker / Beatrice Rana / Jaap van Zweden

Beethoven / Brahms

This event has already taken place! 31 | 78.20 | 100.70 | 123.20 | 145.70
This event has already taken place! 31 | 78.20 | 100.70 | 123.20 | 145.70

The essence of Vienna

The evening begins all dark and threatening with the first bars of Beethoven’s »Egmont« Overture. But the mood soon lightens: the same composer’s Fourth Piano Concerto chases off any hint of melancholy. This is a life-affirming piece, with a radiant piano part that maintains its positive aura even in the face of the orchestra’s pessimism in the second movement. Exciting music, with wonderful, dreamy melodies.

The Beethoven concerto shares these qualities with Brahms’s Second Symphony: »It sheds warm sunshine on connoisseurs and amateurs alike, and belongs to all those who long to hear good music.« Lofty praise indeed from Viennese music critic Eduard Hanslick, whose verdict was widely feared at the time. And when the Vienna Symphony Orchestra plays the works of these two composers who both lived in the city, and whose music has long since passed into the orchestra’s DNA, then the audience experiences more than just an unforgettable evening: they experience the authentic Vienna, the essence of the city on the Danube.


Wiener Symphoniker

Beatrice Rana piano

conductor Jaap van Zweden


Ludwig van Beethoven
Ouvertüre zu »Egmont« op. 84
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 4 in G major, Op. 58

Zugabe der Solistin:

Robert Schumann
Romanze Fis-Dur / aus: Drei Romanzen op. 28

– Interval –

Johannes Brahms
Sinfonie Nr. 2 D-Dur op. 73

Zugabe des Orchesters:

Johannes Brahms
Ungarischer Tanz Nr. 5 fis-Moll

Estimated end time



Classical Fascination 2