Tschechische Symphoniker Prag / Petr Chromčák

Dvořák / Smetana / Tschaikowsky (substitute date)

This event has already taken place! 27.30 | 41.60 | 50.40 | 59.90
This event has already taken place! 27.30 | 41.60 | 50.40 | 59.90

From the New World

Please note: This event takes place according to the »2G« regulation – only people who are vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19 will be admitted. Ticketholders to whom this does not apply can return their tickets to the respective point of sale until 18:00 on 28 December 2021. Customers who purchased their tickets via eventim may request a ticket refund under the following link: Request refund

This event replaces the cancelled concerts from 26 December 2020. Tickets purchased for the postponed concert are valid for this event.

Antonin Dvořák’s phenomenal Symphony No. 9 »From the New World« is the fruit of life experience. The symphony would become his most popular and successful, and it made the name Dvořák famous around the world. Dvořák combined innovative, American-hued themes with the composition technique he had perfected in his earlier symphonies. His »American experience« provided a completely new kind of inspiration for the great composer’s work. In the symphonic cycle »Ma vlást« (My Fatherland), Bedřich Smetana, who is known as the »father of Czech national music«, celebrates his native land. Today, everyone is familiar with the affectionate musical drawing »The Moldau«, which portrays the Moldau (Vlatva) River as it winds through the magical landscape of Bohemia.


Tschechische Symphoniker Prag

conductor Petr Chromčák


Antonín Dvořák
Sinfonie Nr. 9 e-Moll op. 95 »Aus der Neuen Welt«

Bedřich Smetana
Vltava (Die Moldau) / Sinfonische Dichtung / aus: Má vlast (Mein Vaterland)

Piotr I. Tschaikowsky
Fantasie-Ouvertüre h-Moll »Romeo und Julia«