Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich / Igor Levit / Lionel Bringuier

Brahms / Berlioz / Schumann

This event has already taken place! 23 | 54.90 | 76.90 | 93.40 | 109.90
This event has already taken place! 23 | 54.90 | 76.90 | 93.40 | 109.90

After his stunning debut with the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich last season, Igor Levit now lights up the Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall together with the Swiss ensemble under its principal conductor Lionel Bringuier. And with Brahms’s Piano Concerto No. 1 he will surely make not only the concert hall, but also the audience’s hearts vibrate. The evening is rounded off with Berlioz’s »Symphonie fantastique«, whose name couldn’t be more appropriate.


Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

Igor Levit piano

conductor Lionel Bringuier


Johannes Brahms
Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 1 d-Moll op. 15

– Interval –

Hector Berlioz
Symphonie fantastique / Épisode de la vie d’un artiste, Op. 14


Robert Schumann
Kinderszenen op. 15/12 »Kind im Einschlummern«
Kinderszenen op. 15/13 »Der Dichter spricht«

Estimated end time



Visiting Orchestras