Till Reiners

»Flamingos am Kotti«

This event has already taken place! 22 | 26.20 | 30.40 | 34.60
This event has already taken place! 22 | 26.20 | 30.40 | 34.60

Berlin Vibes

After a break of almost 1.5 years, the comedian Till Reiners is back with a new show, his fourth programme »Flamingos am Kotti«. He says »it’s better than all my previous ones!«. Just to make sure everyone is on the same page, »Kotti« refers to Kottbusser Tor, a square in Berlin. Here worlds collide: from abject poverty to people in Superman capes and the father buying spelt biscuits in Rossmann while a woman on a unicycle recites »Poems for Domestic Use« outside. Think about it: for flamingos, people are exotic creatures with crazy necks. But that’s enough thematic preparation – Till Reiners will be responsible for the humour. The audience need only laugh valiantly.


Till Reiners comedian