Talago Buni

World Classical Music

This event has already taken place! 9 | 15 | 22 | 31
This event has already taken place! 9 | 15 | 22 | 31

The island of Sumatra is the home of the Minangkabau people. Talago Buni presents the spiritual music tradition of this eastern outpost of Islam: Sufi ceremonies with gongs, zithers, flutes, a harmonium and drums made from coconut wood.


Talago Buni

Edy Utama artistic director
Leva Khudri Balti vocals
Susandra Jaya Kacapi, Sarunai, Bansi, Gesang
Emri vocals
Muhammad Halim vocals
Laras Sri Masevi vocals
Febrianti vocals


Klassik der Welt aus Indonesien

Estimated end time



World Classical Music