Symphoniker Hamburg / Sylvain Cambreling

Beethoven’s Ninth

This event has already taken place! 9.90 | 33 | 46.20 | 58.30 | 73.70
This event has already taken place! 9.90 | 33 | 46.20 | 58.30 | 73.70

Beethoven’s firework

Please note: This event takes place according to the »2G« regulation – only people who are vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19 will be admitted: Your visit during the coronavirus pandemic

When Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was first performed nearly 200 years ago, it was spring in Vienna. How apt: a balmy, sunny day in May goes just as well with this music, still overwhelming in the 21st century, as the start of a new year. With Friedrich Schiller’s »Ode to Joy« as its finale, this work propagates humanity in an enlightened age, and appeals like no other to the noblest human virtues. The Ninth is so full of joy and hope, so positive about the present and the future.


Symphoniker Hamburg

Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg


Christiane Libor soprano

Stine Marie Fischer alto

Robert Dean Smith tenor

Tobias Schabel bass

Claron McFadden soprano

Fabrizio Cassol saxophone

conductor Sylvain Cambreling


Ludwig van Beethoven
Sinfonie Nr. 9 d-Moll op. 125