Sylvie Courvoisier Trio

Jazz Piano

This event has already taken place! 10 | 18 | 28 | 44
This event has already taken place! 10 | 18 | 28 | 44

Master of »instant preparation«

When Sylvie Courvoisier headed to New York almost 30 years ago, she only intended to stay for three months. The Swiss pianist and composer is still there today and has become an influential figure in the downtown scene. She has worked with Mary Halvorson and John Zorn, she plays in various formations from duos to quintets, and she writes music for radio, ballet and theatre. Last year, she was awarded the German Jazz Prize in the Piano/Keyboards International category.

Her work in the piano trio with drummer Kenny Wollesen and bassist Drew Gress is characterised by abrupt breaks, dissonances and changes of form. The sound spectrum ranges from a delicate aesthetic to buoyant swing and virtuosic powerplay, occasionally reminiscent of Cecil Taylor, the master of pianistic ecstasy. Courvoisier is a master of »instant preparation« as she reaches into the innards of the piano to produce that distinctive metallic sound.


Sylvie Courvoisier Trio

Sylvie Courvoisier piano
Drew Gress bass
Kenny Wollesen drums

Estimated end time



Jazz Piano