SAP Presents: Lang Lang and the SAP Symphonic Orchestra

50 Years SAP – Anniversary Concert

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This event has already taken place! 129 | 139 | 149 | 159 | 169

The SAP Symphonic Orchestra has welcomed more than 100.000 visitors in its 25 years of existence and has become bigger over the years and spawned an array of musical ensembles large and small. What makes it special: It’s a semi-professional orchestra by choice, comprising SAP employees and other highly talented amateurs, and professionals from the Rhine Main region. With its motto »making the world sound better« – inspired by SAP’s mission – the orchestra is a compelling reminder of SAP’s cultural and social commitment.

Very few artists can claim to have the same profound impact on the world of music as Lang Lang has had. As a pianist, educator and philanthropist, as well as an influential ambassador for the arts, Lang Lang has fully embraced new technology and innovation, leading the way in bringing classical music into the 21st century. Gifted with unique artistic and communicative skills, Lang Lang unites excellence and accessibility unlike anyone else, and builds bridges between Eastern and Western culture.

Listen to classical masterpieces composed by Weber, Schumann and Grieg under the musical direction of Ion Marin.


SAP Sinfonieorchester

Lang Lang piano

conductor Ion Marin


Carl Maria von Weber
Jubel-Ouvertüre / zur Feier des 50-jährigen Regierungsantritts Sr. Majestät des Königs von Sachsen am 20. Sept. 1818 op. 59

Robert Schumann
Sinfonie Nr. 1 B-Dur op. 38 »Frühlingssinfonie«

– Interval –

Edvard Grieg
Konzert für Klavier und Orchester a-Moll op. 16

Estimated end time
