RESCHEDULED: Jazz in the Kulturcafé

The concert has been rescheduled for 28 April 2017.

This event has already taken place!
This event has already taken place!

This concert has been rescheduled for 28 April 2017. Go to the replacement concert.

Dalindèo is a Finnish jazz-sextet founded by composer/guitarist Valtteri Laurell Pöyhönen in 2003.Their music is a cinematic jazz reminiscient of the ambience of movies by Finnish great Aki Kaurismäki mixed with a Tarantinoesque vibe of danger and suspense. With musical influences ranging from Duke Ellington’s swing jazz to surf-guitars à la Dick Dale, all in a setting inspired by Finnish popular music from the 1950s, Dalindèo have created a contemporary Finnish jazz-style of their own.



Pope Puolitaival saxophone
Jose Mäenpää trumpet
Pekka Lehti bass
Jaska Lukkarinen drums
Rasmus Pailos percussion
Valtteri Laurell Pöyhönen guitar and musical director

Estimated end time
