Orchestre de Paris / Erkismoen / Lehmkuhl / Mäkelä

Andre / Mahler

This event has already taken place! 15 | 38 | 76 | 110 | 125
This event has already taken place! 15 | 38 | 76 | 110 | 125

Double premiere

Still in his mid-twenties, everyone is talking about Klaus Mäkelä as the »it-maestro of the international conducting scene« (Hamburger Abendblatt). »His maturity comes through in the incredibly clear and varied gestures«, critics say. And this maturity is also reflected in the two chief-conductor posts Mäkelä holds with top orchestras in Oslo and Paris. He now presents two varied programmes with his Orchestre de Paris in Hamburg for the first time. After Sibelius and Berlioz in the first concert, the Finnish conductor and his orchestra present Mahler’s »Resurrection« Symphony and a new work by the French composer Mark Andre on the following evening. Dynamic support is provided by the Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg.

Gustav Mahler’s Second Symphony is the result of a long struggle with existential questions: »Why did you live? Why did you suffer? Is it all just one big, terrible game? Will we live on in eternity?« At this time, the composer worked as a busy First Conductor at the Hamburger Stadttheater. The idea for the sweeping choral finale came to him during a funeral in St. Michaelis Church. It’s based on the Klopstock poem »Auferstehn« – which also gives the symphony its name.

Many of Mark Andre’s works are also about transcendence and spirituality. His musical language fuses influences from his mentors in ingenious ways: the tonal sensuality of Grisey, the possibilities offered by electronic instruments, and the unconventional playing techniques straddling the boundary between sound and music that characterises Helmut Lachenmann’s works. Commissioned by the Elbphilharmonie and the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Wien, Andre has now composed a new orchestral work.


Orchestre de Paris

Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg

Mari Eriksmoen soprano

Wiebke Lehmkuhl alto

conductor Klaus Mäkelä


Mark Andre
Im Entschwinden / Kompositionsauftrag von Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien und Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Gustav Mahler
Sinfonie Nr. 2 c-Moll für Sopran, Alt, Chor und Orchester »Auferstehungssinfonie«

Estimated end time



Elbphilharmonie Subscription 3