Nils Frahm

»All Melody«

This event has already taken place! 28.50 | 39.50 | 50.50 | 72.50
This event has already taken place! 28.50 | 39.50 | 50.50 | 72.50

When it’s a question of defining the cosmos between classical music and pop, no other name crops up in the discussion as often as that of Hamburg native Nils Frahm. And yet hardly any other artist is as hard to pin down as he is, perhaps because Frahm never stands still: in addition to all his activities as a composer, solo artist and producer, he maintains countless collaborations with musicians he’s friendly with. In 2015 he became the originator of the world’s first Piano Day, and since then 29 March has always been the day for celebrating the centre of Frahm’s cosmos: the piano.


Nils Frahm electronic devices



Nils Frahm
For-Peter-Toilet Brushes-More

Estimated end time
