NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra / Krzysztof Urbański

Beethoven / Strauss

This event has already taken place! 15.40 | 25.30 | 40.70 | 58.30 | 70.40
This event has already taken place! 15.40 | 25.30 | 40.70 | 58.30 | 70.40

The »King« himself, Elvis Presley, entered the stage with the opening fanfare from Richard Strauss’s tone poem »Also Sprach Zarathustra« and Stanley Kubrick used it for his movie »2001: A Space Odyssey«. That memorable change from C major to C minor is one of the most famous moments in music history. It is known, admired and has been recycled many times over, far beyond the borders of classical music.

This programme also includes Beethoven’s sunny C major »Leonore« overture and his heroic Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor. For conductor Krzysztof Urbanski and German-Japanese pianist Alice Sara Ott this concert is also the kick-off for their tour of Japan, which will immediately be embarked on following the Hamburg performance. From 6 to 15 March, they will be guests in the great concert halls of Tokyo, Nagoya, Kawasaki, Fukuoka and Osaka, together with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra.


NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester

Alice Sara Ott piano

conductor Krzysztof Urbański


Ludwig van Beethoven
Leonoren-Ouvertüre Nr. 3 op. 72a
Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 3 c-Moll op. 37

Richard Strauss
Also sprach Zarathustra / Tondichtung frei nach Friedrich Nietzsche op. 30

Estimated end time
