NDR das neue werk: Morton Feldman


This event has already taken place! 15.40 | 22 | 28.60
This event has already taken place! 15.40 | 22 | 28.60

The ensemble recherche devotes its debut concert in the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg entirely to the work of the composer Morton Feldman. As a highlight of the varied concert programme, they play several of Feldman’s lesser-known film soundtracks.

Film and painting were among the genres of art that always fascinated Feldman. Thus it was no coincidence that he made his breakthrough as a young composer in the early 1950s, when he was invited to participate in a project that combined the two genres: he was offered the prestigious commission to write the music for Hans Namuth’s film documentary about the great American painter Jackson Pollock. He was paid in kind – with a Pollock drawing. It came as no surprise, then, that further soundtracks followed, including outstanding music for another portrait of a painter, a film biography of De Kooning that appeared 12 years later.

The ensemble recherche plays these central Feldman compositions live while the film is shown on a screen in each case; they form part of a well-balanced programme of chamber music featuring more of the composer’s most appealing and effective works.


ensemble recherche

Martin Fahlenbock flute
Jaime González oboe
Shizuyo Oka clarinet
Melise Mellinger violin
Barbara Maurer viola
Åsa Åkerberg violoncello
Klaus Steffes-Holländer piano
Christian Dierstein drums

und Gäste

Lisa Fornhammar soprano


Morton Feldman
I Met Heine on the Rue Fürstenberg
Two Pieces for Cello and Piano
Four Instruments
Instruments III
For Franz Kline


Morton Feldman
Musik zu »Willem de Kooning: The Painter« / mit Filmvorführung
Musik zu »Jackson Pollock« / mit Filmvorführung

Estimated end time
