NDR Chor / Klaas Stok

»Petite messe solennelle«

This event has already taken place! 12 | 18 | 27 | 37 | 49
This event has already taken place! 12 | 18 | 27 | 37 | 49

Even the title is ambiguous: »solennelle« can mean solemn and serious, or theatrical and affected. »I was born for the comic opera,« said Rossini, the composer of almost 40 operas, ironically begging to be excused. As a genuinely religious work by a man of the theatre, the mass – which is full of colour, pathos and intensity – contains a wonderful contradiction.

However, the mass cannot be said to be »petite«. It may originally have been composed for the consecration of a private chapel – but its form and structure are oriented around the ceremonial Missa solemnis. Fearing that others might instrument it, Rossini orchestrated the work in style a few years later. But the »little mass« remained his professed favourite. With the renowned piano duo Tal & Groethuysen, and with a top-class cast of soloists, Klaas Stok and the NDR Chor now perform the mass in the Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall.


NDR Vokalensemble

Simona Šaturová soprano

Wiebke Lehmkuhl alto

Benjamin Bruns tenor

Michael Nagy bass

Tal & Groethuysen piano duo

director Klaas Stok


Gioachino Rossini
Petite messe solennelle / Originalfassung von 1863 für zwei Klaviere und Harmonium

Estimated end time



NDR Chor

Live Broadcast

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