NDR Bigband / Gwildis / Stappenbeck / Bär / Keller

»Augen auf und durch« – Ein Abend mit Liedern und Chansons von Heinz Erhardt

This event has already taken place! 35 | 40 | 48 | 55 | 65
This event has already taken place! 35 | 40 | 48 | 55 | 65

Uncle to the nation

Heinz Erhardt was born in Riga in 1909 and, from his adopted home of Hamburg, became famous and much-loved across Germany during the years of the economic miracle. His clever wordplays and twisted figures of speech were a recipe for success on the radio, stage, TV, music records and the big screen. The NDR Bigband are joined by actors Stefanie Stappenbeck and Dietmar Bär, and the soul legend Stefan Gwildis for a programme of the comedian’s belatedly discovered songs.


NDR Bigband

Jörg Achim Keller director

Stefan Gwildis vocals

Dietmar Bär vocals

Stefanie Stappenbeck narrator


»Augen auf und durch«

Estimated end time
