Mozart Requiem

Orchestre des Champs-Élysées / Philippe Herreweghe

This event has already taken place! 29.10 | 89.90 | 123.60 | 146.10 | 168.60
This event has already taken place! 29.10 | 89.90 | 123.60 | 146.10 | 168.60

Mozart’s Mysterious Final Composition

Coincidence or fate? No other work of music offers the chance for such an emotionally-charged discussion of this question as Mozart’s unfinished Requiem. For Mozart died at the age of 35 while composing his Mass for the dead, and what sounds like a tragic story is actually reality. However, for all the attendant legends, what remains is first and foremost Mozart’s music, which is one of the most moving settings of the liturgical requiem text in the repertoire. God’s anger and Humanity’s mourning, fear and hope – the score contains all these elements, and yet also exudes moments of profound solace. Philippe Herreweghe and his excellent ensemble with its ample experience of historical performance practice are the ideal artists for this performance of the Mozart Requiem at the Elbphilharmonie.


Orchestre des Champs-Élysées

Collegium Vocale Gent

Emőke Baráth soprano

Eva Zaïcik mezzo-soprano

Maximilian Schmitt tenor

Florian Boesch bass

conductor Philippe Herreweghe


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Requiem in D minor, KV 626

Estimated end time



Visiting Orchestras