Mirel Wagner

Lux aeterna

This event has already taken place! 18
This event has already taken place! 18

»So beautiful it will move you to tears« was the comment of the German newspaper Die Zeit on Mirel Wagner´s latest album »When the Cellar Children see the Light of Day«. And it´s no exaggeration, because what the Ethiopian-born Finnish singer conjures with her soft yet richly mature voice is something special. A sombre striptease of the soul, melancholic and intimate, that captures the listener right from the start. She sings about world-weariness and sorrow, about dirt and the devil, generally with only the simplest of guitar accompaniments. However a voice like hers does not need more – the minimalism of the music only goes to underline the great expressiveness of her voice. Mirel Wagner is still an insider´s tip, but this will change.


Mirel Wagner guitar, vocals