Michael Heupel


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Born in 1988 in Athens, Michael Heupel is a sought-after soloist and chamber musician. In addition to his studies with Arto Noras at Hamburg’s Hochschule für Musik und Theater, he has participated in numerous master classes and was a fellow of the Alexander Onassis Foundation in Athens and the Alfred Toepfer Foundation in Hamburg. His concert career has taken him to many European countries – always at his side: his cello from 1723. Heupel presents his latest CD »Afierossis« featuring solo works for violoncello composed by William Walton, Bertold Hummel, Krzysztof Penderecki and György Ligeti, among others, at the Laeiszhalle.


Michael Heupel violoncello


»Afierossis« – Werke für Cello aus dem 20./21. Jahrhundert