Max Mutzke / NDR Radiophilharmonie


This event has already taken place! 22 | 49.50 | 66 | 82.50 | 93.50
This event has already taken place! 22 | 49.50 | 66 | 82.50 | 93.50

Whether it’s pop, soul or jazz – for Max Mutzke, such genre boundaries are fluid. He feels just as comfortable with a big band behind him as with a small jazz combo or a string ensemble. His first hit, »Can’t Wait until Tonight«, brought overnight fame in 2004 to the singer-songwriter with his distinctive soul voice. It was the next logical step to bring in a genuine symphony orchestra for his new album »Experience«: the result is a perfect symbiosis of soul and symphonic sound.


Max Mutzke vocals


NDR Radiophilharmonie

director Enrique Ugarte

Estimated end time
