
Around the World

This event has already taken place! 10 | 20 | 41 | 57 | 68
This event has already taken place! 10 | 20 | 41 | 57 | 68

Extrovert, even extravagant – these are attributes often applied to this bundle of energy with the peroxide blonde hair. Repeatedly, Mariza has respectfully added colours from various continents to the Portuguese fado genre. She is without a doubt today’s most charismatic fadista – and she has freed the genre from cliches for an international audience.

The 45-year-old singer was born in Mozambique; she got to know fado music at its birthplace, in Lisbon’s Mouraria district. From the outset of her fado career, she has enriched the genre with influences from Africa, Spain, Brazil and the Cape Verde islands, also incorporating elements of flamenco, jazz and pop. She breaks up the classic fado ensemble, adding cello, accordion and trumpet, or even extending it with an entire symphony orchestra. By the same token, her latest album »Mariza« is again a musical travel diary that starts in Lisbon and leads out into the wide world.


Mariza vocals

José Manuel Neto Portuguese guitar

Pedro Jóia guitar

Yami bass

João Frade accordion

Vicky Marques percussion

Estimated end time



Around the World