Magnus Holmander

Rising Stars

This event has already taken place! 9 | 15 | 22 | 31
This event has already taken place! 9 | 15 | 22 | 31

He is a musician, a magician and a dancer: the 25-year-old Swede Magnus Holmander is a man of many talents, and it may well happen that his clarinet suddenly starts to smoke on stage. At the »Rising Stars« festival, the pupil of clarinet star Martin Fröst can be heard with a varied programme, consisting of some pieces in the French tradition, but mainly of contemporary music; he is accompanied by the Swedish-Chinese pianist David Huang.

Debussy’s »Première Rhapsodie« was written as a compulsory piece for a wind-instrument competition at the Conservatoire de Paris, while Saint-Saëns at the age of 85 tried to »expand the repertoire of three dreadfully neglected instruments: the oboe, the clarinet and the bassoon«. British composer Malcolm Arnold’s Sonatina forges a link with French Romanticism, and the compositions »Spiegel im Spiegel« by Arvo Pärt and »Suite fantastique« by Rolf Martinsson likewise have their roots in the tonal music of the 19th century. Tonight’s commissioned work comes from the pen of Swedish composer Molly Kien (*1974), who wrote it for her compatriot Holmander.


Magnus Holmander clarinet

David Huang piano


Claude Debussy
Rhapsodie Nr. 1 für Klarinette und Klavier

Camille Saint-Saëns
Sonate Es-Dur op. 167 für Klarinette und Klavier

Malcolm Arnold
Sonatina op. 29 für Klarinette und Klavier

– Interval –

Molly Kien
Hydrozoa / Kompositionsauftrag von

Arvo Pärt
Spiegel im Spiegel

Rolf Martinsson
Suite fantastique op. 90


Benjamin Staern
Scherzo assurdo

Estimated end time



Rising Stars