Lucas Debargue / Piano Recital


This event has already taken place! 9 | 17 | 26 | 42
This event has already taken place! 9 | 17 | 26 | 42

From the supermarket to the stage

It was nothing short of a sensation that French pianist Lucas Debargue came fourth at the famous Moscow Tchaikovsky Competition in 2015: Debargue, now 30 years old, was already 20 when he started to prepare seriously for a career as a pianist; thitherto he had played in jazz bands and worked at a supermarket checkout. Contrary to the competition rules, Debargue played Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 at the express wish of maestro Valery Gergiev and under his baton: it was not long before the world’s concert platforms were open to him.

Lucas Debargue has a special affinity for the repertoire of his native country, and he already delighted the Moscow audience with his sensuous and unconventional interpretation of Ravel’s eerie piano cycle »Gaspard de la nuit«. He also possesses talent as a composer: this much is evident from his arrangement of César Franck’s Organ Fantasy, while the thunderous octaves of Liszt’s sonata-fantasy »Après une lecture de Dante« and the mighty chords of Scriabin’s Fantasy in B minor also show Debargue֦’s qualities as a romantic virtuoso.


Lucas Debargue piano


César Franck
Fantaisie A-Dur M 35 / Bearbeitung für Klavier von Lucas Debargue

Maurice Ravel
Gaspard de la nuit / Drei Gedichte für Klavier nach Aloysius Bertrand

Alexander Skrjabin
Fantasie in B minor, Op. 28

Franz Liszt
Après une lecture du Dante, fantasia quasi Sonata / aus: Années de Pèlerinage, deuxième année, Italie S 161


Domenico Scarlatti
Sonate d-Moll K 32

Milosz Magin
Nostalgie du Pays


Estimated end time


