Kreuzberger Kamerata

Cyrus Meurant: Herakleitos

This event has already taken place! 19.75 | 27.25 | 31.75 | 38.25
This event has already taken place! 19.75 | 27.25 | 31.75 | 38.25

In his new opera »Herakleitos«, Australian composer Cyrus Meurant musically explores the text fragments of the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus. Seven tableaux illustrate philosophical definitions of flux, the unity of opposites, creation, consciousness and humanity’s desire to understand all things – timeless ideas that have never lost relevance, providing the Kreuzberger Kamerata with a welcome opportunity to focus its attention on humanistic and progressive ideals. The chamber ensemble gives the first performance of »Herakleitos« in the Laeiszhalle Recital Hall.


Kreuzberger Kamerata chamber ensemble

Samantha Britt soprano

Ziad Nehme tenor

Birger Radde baritone

conductor Rebecca Lang


Cyrus Meurant
Herakleitos (Uraufführung) / Uraufführung in konzertanter Fassung