»Klingender Samstag Piccolo«

For children ages 4-6

This event has already taken place! 6
This event has already taken place! 6

»Please do not touch« - this warning sign is nowhere to be found in the Klingende Museum in the Laeiszhalle. That is correct: over 100 musical instruments are waiting to be put to the test! The Klingende Saturday Piccolo is a specially tailored programme introducing four to six-year-olds to the art of music making.

The youngest visitors to the museum are invited to get to know a range of instruments hands-on. Klingende Saturday Piccolo begins with tales of giants and dwarves. At the end of the session, the children join in to bring parts of the story to life through music with the help of violins, tubas and their many friends. The music educators from the Klingende Museum help guide in correct technique, with advice and by answering questions.