Kindergarten Concert »Nils Karlsson Däumling« (2G)

3–5 Years

This event has already taken place! 5
This event has already taken place! 5

Fantasievolle Kinderoper

With the Elbphilharmonie’s School and Kindergarten Programme, children and adolescents are able not only to peek behind the scenes of a major concert hall, visit a concert together or meet the artists in person, but also to participate themselves in making music! Learn more


Annika Boos vocals

Karin Nakayama violin

Thierry Tidrow composition

Manfred Weiß libretto

Birgit Kellner stage, costume

Anna-Mareike Vohn Projektidee

Anselm Dalferth stage direction


Eine Kinderoper für Sopran und sprechende Geigerin