Kidjo’s Kitchen Talk


This event has already taken place! 12
This event has already taken place! 12

Talking and cooking together – what better way to spend an evening? So get ready for the »Kitchen Talk« with Angélique Kidjo. As part of her Reflektor Festival in the Elbphilharmonie, the singer talks with the British-Ugandan author, journalist and musician Musa Okwonga about her music and African life in the diaspora, as well as many other subjects that are important to them both. That promises to cover quite some ground: besides two books about football, Okwonga has written numerous essays and articles about culture, racism and gender for newspapers such as the New York Times, the Guardian and Die Zeit – all issues on which Kidjo campaigns. There will, of course, also be music: performed by Saliou Cissokho, who learned the art of kora playing from his father in Senegal and who now lives in Hamburg as a freelance musician and teacher.

Please note: this event is in English.


Angélique Kidjo talk

Mamadou Saliou Cissokho kora

Musa Okwonga moderation

Estimated end time



Reflektor Angélique Kidjo