Jörg Widmann

Rihm / Widmann / Ruzicka / Andre / etc.

This event has already taken place! 9 | 15 | 20 | 30
This event has already taken place! 9 | 15 | 20 | 30

This concert offers an insight into the ideas workshop of one of our most successful contemporary composers and clarinettists, with Jörg Widmann presenting works that were written by him and for him. These include highly virtuosic pieces that do not come across as overly intellectual, but rather as exciting and sensual – in line with Widmann’s creed that music must communicate itself directly to audiences.

The great composers of our time relish writing for Jörg Widmann: Rihm, Ruzicka, Winkler and a Mark Andre premiere are on the programme for this solo concert in the Elbphilharmonie Recital Hall. Widmann feels a particularly close bond with Andre: he played the solo part in the celebrated premiere of the latter’s clarinet concerto at the Donaueschingen Festival in 2015 and the first ideas for a new composition were born from this experience.

In addition to his passion for experimentation, Widmann is known for his humour. So it is no surprise that he has included a miniature composition by Stravinsky in the programme. »Pour Pablo Picasso« was composed more than 100 years ago … scribbled on a beer mat!


Jörg Widmann clarinet


Luciano Berio

Peter Ruzicka
Drei Stücke für Klarinette solo

Igor Strawinsky
Pour Pablo Picasso

Wolfgang Rihm
Vier Male für Klarinette solo

– Interval –

Jörg Widmann
Drei Schattentänze

Mark Andre
Atemwind 1 / Kompositionsauftrag von Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Gerhard E. Winkler
Black Mirrors III für Soloklarinette und Live-Elektronik

Estimated end time
