Jordi Savall / Erasmus von Rotterdam: Lob der Torheit

Lux aeterna

This event has already taken place! 11 | 21 | 29 | 45
This event has already taken place! 11 | 21 | 29 | 45

A strong desire for reform united two of the most influential figures in the development of modern Europe: Erasmus of Rotterdam and Martin Luther. They strongly disagreed, however, about the path that should be taken to reformation, as can be seen from their lively – and at times very entertaining – correspondence. The issue of church music was also extremely controversial during this period, with attempts being made by the church to control and even ban the development of polyphonic music. Against this historical background, Jordi Savall has created a musical and philosophical diorama for his second concert in the festival »Lux aeterna«. In collaboration with vocal and instrumental ensembles and a team of actors, he presents the correspondence between Erasmus and Luther alongside musical compositions that show the powerful impact of the Reformation on every area of life.


Hespèrion XXI

María Cristina Kiehr soprano

Adriana Fernández soprano

Maarten Engeltjes alto

David Sagastume countertenor

Lluís Vilamajó tenor

Víctor Sordo tenor

Marco Scavazza baritone

Daniele Carnovich bass

Jordi Savall viola da gamba and director

Dagmar Papula Folly

Mirko Böttcher narrator

Edgar M. Böhlke narrator


Briefe und Schriften von Erasmus von Rotterdam und Martin Luther sowie
Werke von Guillaume Dufay, Diego Ortiz, Juan del Enzina, Mateu Flecha, Josquin des Prez, Heinrich Isaac, Girolamo Parabosco, Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa u.a.

Live Broadcast

Dieses Konzert wird mitgeschnitten. Die Aufnahme ist am 3. Juli 2015 um 20 Uhr auf NDR Kultur zu hören.