Jazz meets CPE Bach

Jazz meets CPE Bach

This event has already taken place! 17
This event has already taken place! 17

Free fantasy and improvisation

The concert taking place in the Laeiszhalle Recital Hall as part of the Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Festival Hamburg is an encounter of a very special kind: Jazz meets Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Here, students of the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre, who otherwise hardly ever meet in everyday university life, meet and show their skills in a jam session. Students of the Early Music Department under the direction of harpsichordist Menno van Delft play selected works by the so-called Hamburg Bach, on which students of the Jazz Department under the direction of Wolf Kerschek then improvise in various instrumentations.


Studierende der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg

Menno van Delft director

director Wolf Kerschek