Ilka Bessin

»Blöde Fragen, blöde Antworten« / Ersatztermin für den 6.10.2022 in der Fabrik

This event has already taken place! 36.40
This event has already taken place! 36.40

Now it’s getting personal

Ilka Bessin reports on oddities in everyday life, failed sex practices, quirkiness in old age and much more. She gives answers to questions such as »How do you remain a wild animal in bed even at almost 50?«, »How do you deal with life’s chaos in a humorous way?« or »How do you bring a stool sample to the post office with dignity?«. Ilka Bessin brings up all the things she has not been able to discuss on stage so far, directly and unembellished.


Ilka Bessin


»Blöde Fragen, blöde Antworten«