Hiromi »The Piano Quintet«

Jazz at the Phil

This event has already taken place! 10 | 18 | 38 | 54 | 58
This event has already taken place! 10 | 18 | 38 | 54 | 58

Strength and hope in dark times

On her latest album, the Japanese piano star Hiromi looks for silver linings on a dark horizon. The »Silver Lining Suite« is her personal journey through the coronavirus pandemic, in which she once again virtuosically blends classical music and jazz. Like musicians all over the world, Hiromi was caught off guard by the lockdown in spring 2020 that resulted in closed concert halls and cancelled tours. But her response after the initial shock was just as vibrant, intuitive and joyful as her music.

Hiromi became friends with Tatsuo Nishie, the concert master of the New Japan Philharmonic, and formed a piano quintet with four string players. In the »Silver Lining Suite«, song titles such as »Isolation« and »Uncertainty« suggest a sombreness, but these compositions seek, with passion and elegance, to convey strength and hope. »Music is food for the soul«, says Hiromi, for whom there are only two genres of music: music that moves her heart and music that doesn’t.


Hiromi piano

Thomas Gould violin

Shlomy Dobrinsky violin

Meghan Cassidy viola

Hamilton Berry violoncello


»The Piano Quintet«

Estimated end time



Jazz at the Elbphilharmonie