Hélène Grimaud / Mat Hennek

»Woodlands and Beyond…«

This event has already taken place! 23 | 39.50 | 61.50 | 72.50 | 83.50
This event has already taken place! 23 | 39.50 | 61.50 | 72.50 | 83.50

»Nature is the origin of everything« – French pianist Hélène Grimaud is a firm believer of this. Together with her partner, photographer Mat Hennek, she performs a multimedia concert project with works by Romantic and Impressionist composers, accompanied by Hennek’s photo series »Woodlands«. There will be four performances of Grimaud’s special project on 8 April and 26 June 2017 at the Elbphilharmonie.

Hélène Grimaud explains more about her »Woodlands and beyond…« project: »›Woodlands‹ contains all the symbols of German Romanticism – what I consider to be the basis and precondition of the Romantic movement. I find it especially interesting to read how many composers derived inspiration from walks in the forest. For me, nature is proof of spirituality. And music forges a link to the spiritual realm. What could be more logical, then, than to combine these two levels, creating a spacial atmosphere that appeals to the audience in more than one dimension?«


Hélène Grimaud piano

Mat Hennek photography

Estimated end time
