Hamburger Knabenchor St. Nikolai

Christmas Oratorio

This event has already taken place! 17.50 | 28.50 | 31.80 | 35.10 | 39.50
This event has already taken place! 17.50 | 28.50 | 31.80 | 35.10 | 39.50

It is as much a permanent fixture at Christmas time as the four candles on the Advent wreath: Johann Sebastian Bach’s Christmas Oratorio. Often heard in churches, but rarely in the concert hall, the work will now be performed for a benefit concert at the Laeiszhalle by the Hamburger Knabenchor St. Nikolai and the Hamburger Camerata under the baton of church music director Rosemarie Pritzkat. The concert takes place in support of the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) project »Musik hilft heilen«.


Hamburger Knabenchor

Hamburger Camerata

Marlen Korf soprano

Geneviève Tschumi alto

Johannes Gaubitz tenor

Florian Spiess bass

director Rosemarie Pritzkat


Johann Sebastian Bach
Weihnachtsoratorium I-III BWV 248