Hamburger Camerata

»Yin & Yang«

This event has already taken place! 13.10 | 20.80 | 32.90 | 39.50 | 43.90
This event has already taken place! 13.10 | 20.80 | 32.90 | 39.50 | 43.90

»Yin & Yang« is not just the title of a composition for the traditional Chinese mouth organ sheng and orchestra by Enjott Schneider. In Chinese philosophy, the two terms stand for opposing yet interrelated forces. Simon Gaudenz premiered the work by the well-known German film music composer in 2017, and he has selected other appropriate works also shaped by the principle of »yin & yang«. A similar relationship characterises the music of Paul Hindemith and Ludwig van Beethoven: while the motivic, thematic work in Hindemith’s Kammermusik No. 5 is similar to Beethoven’s early symphonies, his harmonies are characterised by stark contrasts to Beethoven’s work.


Hamburger Camerata

Hiyoli Togawa viola

Wu Wei Sheng

conductor Simon Gaudenz


Zoltán Kodály
Ungarisches Rondo

Enjott Schneider
Yin & Yang für Sheng und Orchester

Paul Hindemith
Kammermusik Nr. 5 für Viola und Orchester op. 36/4

Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21