Gipfeltreffen der Klangstrolche

Benefiz-Mitmachkonzert für Kinder ab 4 Jahren

This event has already taken place! 15
This event has already taken place! 15

15 Jahre »Klangstrolche«

In May 2007, Kultur Palast Hamburg launched the »Klangstrolche« project with the aim of securing musical education for children from an early age. Renowned music education institutions trained 74 educators and volunteers to become Klangstrolche teachers. In monthly concerts, six-monthly conferences and the annual summit meetings in the Laeiszhalle they advocated educational equity and equal opportunity. In April 2022, the »Klangstrolche« are celebrating their 15th birthday – and that in the company of famous guests.


Rolf Zuckowski vocals

Juri Tetzlaff moderation


»15 Jahre Klangstrolche«
Warming Up auf dem Johannes-Brahms-Platz um 10 Uhr