German Brass

»Christmas Around the World«

This event has already taken place! 35.20 | 40.70 | 51.70 | 57.20 | 62.70
This event has already taken place! 35.20 | 40.70 | 51.70 | 57.20 | 62.70

The ensemble German Brass consists of ten brass players, each of them superb soloists from orchestras like the Berlin Philharmonic or the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra. The times when pioneering spirit was required to even establish this musical genre belong to the past: German Brass has long since made music for brass band socially acceptable. At their Christmas concert in the Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall, they present music from their new Christmas CD: Baroque pieces by Bach, Handel and Telemann, rounded off by familiar swinging seasonal songs like »White Christmas« and »Winter Wonderland«.


German Brass


Werke von J.S. Bach, Händel und Telemann, ergänzt um swingende Weihnachtslieder wie »White Christmas« oder »Winter Wonderland«.

Estimated end time
