»Fridays for Ludwig«

Symphoniker Hamburg / Children’s Concert

This event has already taken place! 8.80 | 12.10 | 17.60
This event has already taken place! 8.80 | 12.10 | 17.60

Musical bloodhounds

»Fridays for Ludwig« – were he alive today, maybe Beethoven would have written this about his »Pastorale«. The work is a sonorous love letter to nature. A symphony to evoke the feeling you get when strolling through meadows, crossing little brooks and exploring verdant forests. However, the environmental detectives Anna and Malte, aka »Ear« and »Nose«, find only things people have thrown away in nature since Beethoven’s time – without sparing a thought for the consequences. To make sure a fresh musical breeze continues to waft through the Laeiszhalle, we need the ideas of young and young-at-heart audience members. So that everyone can become musical bloodhounds!


Symphoniker Hamburg

conductor Jason Weaver

Malte Arkona Konzept, Moderation

Anna-Maria Arkona Konzept, Moderation


»Fridays for Ludwig«
Musikalische Entdeckungsreise mit Beethovens »Pastorale«


Symphoniker Hamburg / Children’s Concerts Subscription (14:30)