Fiesta Peruana

Music from the Peruvian Codex »Martínez Compañón«

This event has already taken place! 16 | 22 | 30 | 37
This event has already taken place! 16 | 22 | 30 | 37

The ensemble Los Temperamentos was founded by Columbian cellist and arranger Fabián Cortés Garzón in 2009. It specialises in rediscovering the connection between the seemingly opposing worlds of Europe and Latin America in Baroque music, and translating this into concert form. Now Los Temperamentos joins forces with the dancers of the Ballet Folclórico Nacional del Perú to present the programme »Peru: 1785«. A many-faceted concert that fascinates with its lively and captivating music, authentic choreography and colourful costumes.


Los Temperamentos chamber ensemble

Ballet Folclórico Nacional del Perú

Fabricio Varela Travesi choreography

artistic director Néstor F. Cortés Garzón


»Peru:1785 / Musik aus dem Kodex »Martínez Compañón«

Estimated end time
