Ernesto Petti / Holger Wemhoff

»Solo Momente«

This event has already taken place! 18 | 25.20 | 31.50 | 37.80
This event has already taken place! 18 | 25.20 | 31.50 | 37.80

The »Solo Momente« series presents impressive young artist personalities in concert and conversation. The musicians select pieces that have had a significant influence on them musically and personally. At the Laeiszhalle, Holger Wemhoff presents with elegance and charm the concert of the baritone Ernesto Petti, who has chosen to perform a selection of Italian arias.


Ernesto Petti baritone

Otello Visconti piano

Holger Wemhoff moderation


Arien von Giuseppe Verdi und Georges Bizet sowie italienische Canzoni