Elbphilharmonie Family Orchestra

Smetana / Kalz / Gershwin

This event has already taken place! 5
This event has already taken place! 5

A musical journey around the world for young and old

In the Elbphilharmonie Family Orchestra, around 100 people from three generations grow together to form an extended musical family. Children, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews all pull together to put on a large concert programme once a year. The works are arranged in such a way that everyone, big and small, gets their money’s worth - whether beginner:in or professional. »There’s an incredible spirit here,« enthuses conductor Christine Philippsen from the Staatliche Jugendmusikschule Hamburg, who leads the orchestra’s weekly rehearsals.

This year, the members are embarking on a musical journey around the world. The beginning is in the Czech Republic, where Bedřich Smetanas set a monument to the meandering course of his home river in his symphonic poem »The Vltava«. Afterwards, a new piece by Christoph Kalz »Around the World in 80 Days« - one can be curious to see where the journey leads everywhere. The finale is in America, more precisely in the »Big Apple«: in New York. It was there that George Gershwin composed his world-famous »Rhapsody in Blue«, which combines classical music with typical American jazz and blues.


Elbphilharmonie Familienorchester

Christine Philippsen conductor

Lutz Köller moderation


Bedřich Smetana
Vltava (Die Moldau) / Sinfonische Dichtung / aus: Má vlast (Mein Vaterland) Bearbeitung von Thomas Stapf

Christoph Kalz
In 80 Takten um die Welt (UA)

George Gershwin
Rhapsody in Blue / Bearbeitung für Orchester ohne Klavier von Jerry Brubaker

Estimated end time
