Dr Sound on a Mission: The Big Sound and Noise Fraud

This event has already taken place! 4
This event has already taken place! 4

For the last 5 years, the sound and noise scientist Dr. Sound has embarked on the wildest adventures in the children’s concert series "Dr. Sound on a Mission". In his current case, the Big Sound and Noise Fraud, someone has played a really dirty trick on him.

Dr. Sound is still doing poorly. Ever since he tracked down the valuable copying machine of his rival, Don Sonatini, all the sounds and noises that he hears buzz through his head. Don Sonatini has fraudulently copied Dr. Sound’s noises on a grand scale with this machine. Despite the help of his trustworthy sound agents - Hamburg schoolchildren who always help solve his cases - and presenter Sebastian Dunkelberg, nobody can help lift Dr. Sound’s spirits during his stay in the Hamburg Institute for Tropical Medicine. And the music of the Hamburg Philharmonic Brass Quintet does not seem to be able to cure this strange disease either.

But, to make matters worse, Don Sonatini’s accomplices are also searching for the famous scientist! The boss of the international sound and noise mafia has found out that Dr. Sound has tracked him down and stolen his copying machine. He has to stop him before Dr. Sound exposes him as a fraud in front of the jury of the Golden Soundbag!

This event is a part of a series of four consecutive concerts for young people in various districts throughout Hamburg, including a large final event with orchestra in the Laeiszhalle.


Philharmonisches Blechbläserquintett Hamburg

Georg Münzel acting

moderation Sebastian Dunkelberg

Konzeptmitarbeit, Dialoge Angela Gerrits