Don Giovanni

Christian Gerhaher / Bamberger Symphoniker

This event has already taken place! 28.50 | 87.90 | 120.90 | 142.90 | 164.90
This event has already taken place! 28.50 | 87.90 | 120.90 | 142.90 | 164.90

Christian Gerhaher is without question one of the best lieder singers of our time. When it comes to empathy, clear articulation and an ability to get to the heart of the text and music, he is without equal. With Gerhaher’s self-critical perfectionism he has recently also been conquering operatic stages, to rapturous admiration from audiences and critics alike.

The dubious hero and rampant seducer Don Giovanni has quickly become his signature role. The Neue Zürcher Zeitung writes: »There is currently no singer better suited for the part of Don Giovanni. Not only is he an excellent actor, he is also a baritone who can vocally interpret every aspect of the role.«


Bamberger Symphoniker

Christian Gerhaher baritone

Tareq Nazmi bass

Simona Šaturová soprano

Sophie Karthäuser soprano

conductor Jakub Hrůša


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Don Giovanni / Oper in zwei Akten KV 527

Konzertante Aufführung in italienischer Sprache

Estimated end time



Visiting Orchestras

Oper konzertant