Dobet Gnahoré

Reflektor Angélique Kidjo

This event has already taken place! 25
This event has already taken place! 25

Majestic Afro-Pop

»In the next few days, I want to present first and foremost young women from Africa who express their art in different genres and live in it,« says Angélique Kidjo about the underlying concept of her »Reflektor« festival, which she is curating over a long weekend in March at the Elbphilharmonie. Dobet Gnahoré from Côte d’Ivoire and her well-rehearsed quartet open the round of strong and powerful voices to whom Kidjo wants to offer empowerment.

With her hair that shoots down like a gushing fountain from the crown of her head, woven  into countless braids, and her majestic bearing,  Dobet Gnahoré cuts an impressive figure. In her danceable and dynamic songs, the African now living in Paris fuses social criticism with a thrilling performance full of unbridled joie de vivre, notwithstanding all the social injustices she denounces.


Dobet Gnahoré vocals

Julien Pestre guitar

Louis Haessler bass

Mike Dibo drums

Estimated end time



Reflektor Angélique Kidjo