Discover Talent: Ivan Krpan

Beethoven / Busoni / Liszt

This event has already taken place! 12.30 | 17.90 | 23.50 | 29.10
This event has already taken place! 12.30 | 17.90 | 23.50 | 29.10

As a part of the Steinway Prizewinner Concerts Network, the new »Discover Talent« series presents the winners of international piano competitions on four evenings in the Elbphilharmonie Recital Hall: highly talented young pianists at the very outset of their careers have the chance to display their mettle here in programmes that will be announced shortly before the concerts.


Ivan Krpan piano

Gewinner der »Ferruccio Busoni Piano Competition« 2017


Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata for Piano in E minor, Op. 90
Sonate für Klavier E-Dur op. 109

Ferruccio Busoni
Sonatina seconda

Franz Liszt
Pensée des morts S 173/4 / Harmonies poétiques et religieuses
Après une lecture de Dante / Fantasia quasi Sonata S 161/7 / Années de Pèlerinage, deuxième année, Italie

Estimated end time



Discover Talent