»Die Töne der Stringtheorie«

Lecture by Dr Jan Louis on »Science and Music«

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Science and Music: Professor Dr Jan Louis analyses this connection 90 minutes before the concert featuring Jack Liebeck and his quintet. In his lecture in German, Dr Louis pursues the »Tones of String Theory«. 

Physicist and Humboldt Professor Dr Brian Foster has been organising the »Science and Music« Festival at the University of Hamburg, which organises five to six events, lectures and concerts each year at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) and at the Laeiszhalle, since 2011. Albert Einstein is the special focus of the series. Musical director is the British violinist Jack Liebeck.

View the concert at 20:00 with Jack Liebeck


Jack Liebeck violin

Alexandra Raikhlina violin

Simon Oswell viola

Thomas Carroll violoncello

Sivan Silver piano

Gil Garburg piano


Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Octet in E-flat Major, Op. 20 / Arrangement for Four-Handed Piano and String Quartet

Franz Schubert
Sonate B-Dur D 617 / Bearbeitung für Klavier zu vier Händen und Streichquartett von Richard Dünser

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Excerpts from »A Midsummer Night's Dream«, Op. 61 / Arrangement for Four-Handed Piano