Dhafer Youssef

This event has already taken place! 23 | 28 | 33 | 39
This event has already taken place! 23 | 28 | 33 | 39

Muezzin-Gesänge treffen auf atmosphärischen Jazz

The Tunisian singer and oud virtuoso Dhafer Youssef is a fascinating »Grenzgänger« – a musician who has spent his life crossing cultural borders between tradition and modernity. His curiosity made him not only form creative links with the most diverse musicians but also led him from North Africa via Vienna to his current adopted home, Paris.

On his album »Birds Requiem«, Youssef merges oriental Sufi songs with acoustic jazz and electrifying beats. He manages to preserve the spiritual mystical quality of traditional melodies, while at the same time bringing in modern influences from nu jazz and ambient. The result is a distinctive multi-faceted sound that defies categorization: atmospherically dense, subtle, and yet captivating.

Supporting Dhafer Youssef on stage is his young, top-tier band, consisting of the distinguished British bassist Phil Donkin, the Hungarian drummer Ferenc Nemeth and the award-winning Estonian pianist Kristjan Randalu.


Dhafer Youssef vocals, oud

Isfar Sarabski piano

Chris Jennings bass

Ferenc Nemeth drums


»Birds Requiem«