Concert of Generations

Elmshorner Liedertafel Choral Concert

This event has already taken place! 15 | 21 | 27
This event has already taken place! 15 | 21 | 27

A gala of choral music

Liedertafel Schleswig-Holstein von 1866 Elmshorn e.V. (in short, the Elmshorner Liedertafel) is not only one of the biggest, but also one of the oldest choral associations in northern Germany. With 6 choirs and around 200 singers aged from 6 to 96, the tradition-rich association now takes over the Laeiszhalle Grand Hall. For many months, their choral activities were severely restricted as a result of the coronavirus situation. So it’s all the more delightful that rehearsals can now take place again within a controlled framework.


Chöre der Elmshorner Liedertafel

unter der Leitung von Susanne Drdack, Angelika Jasmer und Jan Rohloff

Gero von Randow Moderation


Franz Schubert
Deutsche Messe D 872

Tjark Baumann
Kyrie aus: Missa 4 You(th)

John Rutter
Look at the world

Norddeutsche Lieder von der Waterkant
weitere Lieder von Rolf Zuck