CANCELLED: St. Matthew Passion

This event has already taken place! 12 | 30 | 57 | 83 | 98
This event has already taken place! 12 | 30 | 57 | 83 | 98

The concert programme of the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle cannot go ahead as planned due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. This event has had to be cancelled – it will not be rescheduled on an alternative date. Ticket buyers and people participating in the order process will be informed by e-mail. Under the following link you can request a refund of your ticket price: Information on tickets refunds


Pygmalion ensemble

Julian Prégardien tenor

Stéphane Degout baritone

Christian Immler bass

Hana Blažíková soprano

Maïlys de Villoutreys soprano

Lucile Richardot alto

Tim Mead countertenor

Robin Tritschler tenor

Thomas Hobbs tenor

director Raphaël Pichon


Johann Sebastian Bach
Matthäus-Passion BWV 244


CANCELLED: Easter at the Elbphilharmonie