CANCELLED: Kadri-Ann Sumera

This event has already taken place! 19 | 28
This event has already taken place! 19 | 28

The concert programme of the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle cannot go ahead as planned due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. This event has had to be cancelled – it will not be rescheduled on an alternative date. Ticket buyers and people participating in the order process will be informed by e-mail. Under the following link you can request a refund of your ticket price: Information on tickets refunds

Kadri-Ann Sumera, who studied at the Musikochschule in Cologne, is one of Estonia’s most sought-after pianists. The artist has worked on numerous recordings for Estonian radio and is the founder of the New Music Ensemble of Tartu. »She delights listeners with her extraordinary sense of tone and her ability to create a unique atmosphere; the performance is emotionally charged and captivating,« says none other than the internationally acclaimed composer Erkki-Sven Tüür about the Tallinn-born pianist, whose repertoire ranges from Baroque to contemporary music.


Kadri-Ann Sumera piano


Lepo Sumera
Kaks pala aastast 1981 (Zwei Stücke aus dem Jahr 1981)

Erkki-Sven Tüür

Arvo Pärt
Für Alina

Mart Saar
40 Präludien (Auswahl)

– Interval –

Rudolf Tobias
Sonatine op. 12

Ester Mägi
Kolm merepilti (Drei Meeresbilder)

Heino Eller
Kellad (Die Glocken)

Eduard Tubin
Ballaad Mart Saare teemale (Ballade auf ein Thema von Mart  Saar)

Lepo Sumera
Pardon Fryderyk